The 10 steps to study in Türkiye for international students

We will present to you in this article, the 10 steps to follow to study in Türkiye for foreign and international students.

Foreign students who want to study in Türkiye are guaranteed to have a quality education and an internationally recognized diploma.

Indeed, Türkiye offers the best university education in Europe and the world.

By the way, there are 10 Turkish universities which are in the ranking of the best universities in the world.

On the other hand, universities in Türkiye teach all specialties in Turkish and English especially in private universities.

Thus, you can go to study in Türkiye in management, management, engineering (computer science, civil engineering, mechanics), medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy in a public or private university.

In the following, we will see together only the steps and formalities to be followed by foreign students to study in Türkiye according to the ordinary process.

In fact, we are going to give you the 10 steps that all international students must follow to go and do their higher studies in Türkiye.

By the way, you should know that the steps are the same to study in public or private universities in Türkiye.

Let’s go.

The 10 steps to study in Türkiye for international students

To go to study in Türkiye, you must have an idea of ​​the procedures to follow and the points to respect.

Why ?

To increase your chances of gaining admission and getting higher education in the best universities in Türkiye.

Thus, we have tried to group together 10 steps that we consider essential for foreign students to follow to study in Türkiye (public or private).

Here is the process of studying in Türkiye for foreigners in 10 steps:

  1. Choose the type of university you want.
  2. Choose the faculty where you wish to study.
  3. Contact the university or faculty.
  4. Check the university’s admission requirements.
  5. Prepare your registration file.
  6. Apply for registration or admission.
  7. Respect the dates and deadlines for registration.
  8. Pass tests or entrance examinations if necessary.
  9. Pay university fees.
  10. Submit your visa application.

So, find out more details about these points.

1. Choose the type of university you want

Before going to study in Türkiye, the first thing you should know is that there are 2 types of Turkish universities, namely:

Each type of these universities has its own specifics that you need to know.

Indeed, public universities in Türkiye encompass the bulk of students.

They include hundreds of faculties with outlets in all fields.

In addition, the study fees in public universities in Türkiye are lower than in private universities.

As for Turkish private universities, the admission requirements are much more flexible.

2. Choose the faculty where you want to study

Choosing the faculty is considered to be the 2ᵉ step to follow.

Depending on the study specialty you are looking for, you will find dozens of public and private universities throughout Türkiye that meet your search criteria.

Thus, foreign students can study in all specialties (economics, management, engineering (computer science, civil engineering, mechanics), medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy in the faculties of public or private universities. in Türkiye.

3. Contact the university or faculty

After choosing the Turkish university and/or faculty, you must contact the organizations of your choice.

Indeed, you must contact them to get an idea of ​​the availability of the specialty you have chosen.

All means are available to communicate with Turkish universities.

Indeed, you can contact the universities in Türkiye via their websites, by phone or by email.

You should collect information about:

4. Check Turkish University Admission Requirements

To be able to study in Türkiye, you will not only need to have a healthy bank account, but also good academic references and other skills.

Indeed, foreign students must meet several conditions to be able to study in Türkiye.

Thus, according to the Turkish university, each student must have:

  • The diplomas and grades requested.
  • A certificate of Turkish language and/or English language level
  • Pass the level and skill test like YOS or OSYM. (*)
  • Pass the level and proficiency test like SAT. (**)
  • Pass other types of selection and/or skill tests.
  • Payment of tuition fees from the Turkish university. (***)

(*) A YOS or OSYM a proficiency test usually organized by each public university in Türkiye for undergraduate studies (bachelor or master).

(**) SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) = International school assessment test which assesses the level of students.

The SAT test is required by many Turkish universities especially private universities.

(***) A small amount that varies between $0 and $200.

5. Prepare your registration file

Indeed, depending on the university, faculty and study specialty, the university registration file documents may differ from one Turkish university to another.

Here are the main documents of a registration file for a university in Türkiye that you must prepare:

  1. A copy of your diplomas and transcripts.
  2. Your language test score if you study in English or (TOEFL, IELTS, Test Daf).
  3. Copy of your passport.
  4. ID photo.
  5. A well-detailed CV.
  6. A cover letter.

6. Apply for registration

After having chosen your university in Türkiye and your specialty and study program, it is now time to apply for registration in one or more public universities or private universities.

In Türkiye, the only way to send your application for registration or an application for admission to a Turkish university is through the website or web application of the public or private Turkish university.

You can see in detail the application and obtaining formalities:

You are advised to apply to several universities in Türkiye to increase your chances.

7. Respect the registration dates

You should note that each university in Türkiye has its own admission system.

The deadlines for university registrations in Türkiye are calculated according to the date of the start of the academic year.

Indeed, in Türkiye, there are two back-to-school sessions:

  • Back to school in September.
  • Back to university in February.

However, each Turkish university has its registration and admission schedule.

So, you should always check directly with your university for exact dates and required documents.

In general, the deadlines for registrations and admissions to Turkish universities for foreign students last for 3 months before the start of the academic year.

8. Take Turkish Universities Selection Tests

For some universities in Türkiye (public or private), sending an application is not enough.

Indeed, depending on the university, the faculty and the chosen study specialty, you can pass competency tests, level tests with the heads of Turkish universities.

Foreign students must pass the selection tests of Turkish universities to gain admission.

9. Pay university fees

To validate their admissions or registrations in a university in Türkiye, students must pay the tuition fees of the Turkish university before starting the courses.

In general, in public universities, the costs of university studies in Türkiye for foreign students are between 3000 and 21000 Turkish pounds per year.

By the way, you can get an idea about all the prices of public universities in Türkiye.

In general, in private universities, the costs of university studies in Türkiye for foreign students are between 1200 and 25200 $ per year.

By the way, you can get an idea about all the prices of private universities in Türkiye.

However, you can study in Türkiye without paying tuition fees with scholarships available in Türkiye.

10. Apply for a Study Visa in Türkiye.

Applying for and obtaining a study visa in Türkiye is the last step for international students to take before going to study in Türkiye.

For this, you must contact the Turkish Embassy in your country for more information and the required documents.

Finally, after obtaining your study permit or study visa in Türkiye, you must finalize the registration procedures at the Turkish university you have chosen.


So, to conclude our article on higher education in Türkiye, we have presented for you 10 steps to study in Türkiye for international students.

Indeed, we have tried to clarify the most important points to know before leaving for university studies in Türkiye.

All the points mentioned in this article are very essential to know.

Do not hesitate to ask any questions that cross your mind to the Turkish universities of your choice.

Besides Türkiye, you can consider studying abroad in other countries.

So, do not hesitate to contact universities for more information.

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